Contact/Patron Info

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It takes a lot of sweat and dedication to write a series of one hundred-fifty stories. After three and a half years, fours stories have been written and published on Amazon. If you want to read more of my work and one day see the DANCES OF DELIVERANCE SAGA finished, link arms with me by becoming a patron of mine on Patreon

Patreon is a community for supporting artists like myself. In return for pledging a monthly amount of as little as $1, you become a Patron of mine and reap all kinds of benefits. You will have access into my creative process and to exclusive posts of materials to which only my Patrons will have access. It is easy to find out more about becoming a Patron of mine, joining in the fun of being a Patron, and being an integral part of watching my work blossom. Plus, as a bonus, you can brag to your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors that you are a Patron of The Arts! All you have to do is click the Patreon link button(the big P) to the left, and you will be magically transported to my Patreon Creator Page. I thank you from the deepest pit of my soul for your appreciation of my work!  



T. Boomhower, First Disciple of The Shaded Grove